Olive Leaf Extract with Probiotics, 500ml

Regular price $36.00

Product Details

Rochway Olive leaf extract is a natural health supplement extracted from the leaves of olive trees and fermented to release all the goodness of the product that helps our body absorb the nutrients more effectively. 

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive Leaf Extract is an all-natural product, containing various ingredients. It is 100% organic, 99% sugar free and 100% bio-fermented and probably one of the best probiotics available on the market today. Olive leaf extract is packed with antioxidants and has a range of amino acid supplements.

  • 99% Sugar Free
  • 100% Organic and Probiotic
  • High in Antioxidants
  • Rich in Lactobacillus, Acidophilus & Enzymes

Contains 22mg Oleuropein /5ml & Papaya Enzymes

Through the fermentation process, beneficial lactic acids are created which act as a natural preservative. 

Oleuropein: a phenolic compound which naturally occurs in the Olea europaea

Calcium Elenolate and Elenolic Acid are: Active ingredients of the oleuropein


The use of Olive Leaf Extract goes back to the Ancient Greeks and researchers have since discovered important elements in the olive leaf. This includes better heart health. 

✔ Antioxidant 
✔ Anti-Inflammatory 
✔ Anti-Bacteria 
✔ Anti-Viral 
✔ Anti-Cancer 
✔ Lower Bad Cholesterol 
✔ Lowers Blood Glucose to normal levels 
✔ Lower Blood Pressure 
✔ Protects against oxidative damage 
✔ Slow digestion of starches into simple sugars


DIRECTIONS: Adults: 5ml three times a day with food or a single serving of 15ml as is or mixed into your favourite fruit or vegetable juice. Children over 3 years: half of the above serving. More may be consumed if required.


For additional details, please visit Manufacturer's website.

 Self-management of health issues is not recommended, and this product should not be considered as a substitute for treatment for any health conditions. Please consult your healthcare professional before starting any supplements.